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  • Soljakovski

    Which English accent do Chinese schools prefer, American or British accent?

    Despite that India was ever one of Britain’s colonies; American English has come into vogue in India. In the past, only the staff in Call Centers has the American accent in India, but now American English is everywhere. One important reason is that innumerable Indians chased the American Dream. In Late 1990s, outsourcing boomed in India. Indians imitated American accent striving for outsourcing order forms. British English has declined in India since then? 1.5 million Indian immigrants lived in the USA. They chased the American Dream. What about China? Do Chinese people like American English or British English?
    4 months agoin Lifestyle-All
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Bandezi
    It shouldn\'t really matter so long as the speakers
    diction is clear and well articulated
    words well pronounced
    with the appropriate use of vocabulary.

    Not all English speakers, especially native speakers have perfect command of all the above and it wouldn\'t matter if one spoke English with an Americal or British accent if one cannot be understood by the majority of listeners.
    4 months ago
  • Cancar
    As in most countries there are many dialects or accents. Even in such a small country as Britain there some regional accents which other British people have difficulty understanding. America is exactly the same with particularly strong accents in parts of New York and the southern states. In parts of New England the American accent is less pronounced and very similar to British English. However, all this becomes irrelevant with the younger generations inventing their own langauges which no one over 30 can understand.
    4 months ago
  • Mang
    IMO, Hollywood devotes a lot to the popularity of American English. Viewers around the world are viewing Hollywood movies. Prison Break and The Desperate Housewives received worldwide audience. Viewers model the stars\' American accent.
    4 months ago

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