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  • MuhammadKhan

    China\'s Dink Family

    In China, there is a saying that a family is a cell of the whole society. The half centry has saw China\'s family structure experience a dramatic change. Chinese family structure experienced the transition from \' Extended Family\' to \'Nuclear Family\' to \' Dink Family\'. Three or four generations living under the same roof is the ideal family structure in 1900s-1950s. Extended family structure remained the dominant family structure from the 1970s to mid-1980s. In late 1970s, China carried out its \'Family Planning Policy\". \'Nuclear family\' taken place of \'Extended family\'.

    Today, more and more \"Dink Families\" are emerging in this fast-rising country. Do you know what a dink family is? I guess \' dink family\' is more familiar to you than me. A family consisting of \" One Couple with No Kids\" is defined as a \" Dink Family\". There is a phenomenon in China that many young couple prefer living a life with no kids. The reason might be quite varied. Some elder people said that the young generation of Chinese are trying to avoid responsibility, since bringing up a child needs the couple to shoulder a lot of responsibilities. Some young Chinese insist that they want to live a free life different from the life of their predecessors. Who do you think of this issue? Does \'a dink family\' mean that the couple is lack of a sense of responsibility? Would you like to have a \'Dink family\"?
    4 months agoin Lifestyle-All
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Sophiaaaa
    \"Double Income No Kids\" Sounds like a good lifestyle. Free of reponsibility, free of worry! No wonder more and more Chinese young couples prefer living such a life. For the generation of Chinese \"Little Emperors\" ( only child spoiled by doting parents), responsibility sounds like a nightmare.
    4 months ago
  • Nomthandazo
    DINK is an acronym for \'Double Income No Kids\' which is a lifestyle gaining popularity around the world. Perhaps couples are choosing to begin a family at an older age, preferring career and/or travel before taking on the commitment and responsibility of a family.

    There are still many families in China with three generations living under the same roof. I teach kindergarten to kids from financially upper middle class families and more than 50% of the children who attend are delivered by the grandparents, sometimes in the company of a parent or the Aiyi

    Perhaps those young couples with no children are happy to live alone but for those with kids there still seems to be a close connection with the grandparents, many of them living in larger apartments or homes with the GP\'s baby sitting thus allowing the parents to live a DINK lifestyle anyway.
    4 months ago
  • Ngwezi
    Every generation has the freedom to choose the lifestyle they like. Times change, people\'s minds must keep up with the time. In the old era, people relied on their children to support them when they became old. Today, as social security improve, no need to have children.
    4 months ago

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