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  • Kissoon

    food preservation means

    What is food preservation means?
    4 months agoin Food-All
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Adonev
    Food preservation is the science of freezing, drying, canning, curing and smoking, and fermentation to prolong the shelf-life of foods.
    4 months ago
  • Mina02
    Food preservation refers to the methods and techniques used to prevent food from spoiling, extending its shelf life, and maintaining its nutritional value, flavor, and safety. This can involve slowing down or stopping the growth of microorganisms, such as bacteria, yeast, and molds, and slowing down chemical changes in food.
    4 months ago
  • Soto87
    Food preservation is one of the methods to protect food from unwanted microbial growth. After the food is produced, we store and protect by covering the rice and curry with lids to keep away flies and other insects. By this, we are protecting it from any infection caused by them. This is a short-term condition. Food preservation, on the other hand, is done to preserve food for a longer time.
    4 months ago

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