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  • Ntuli

    Does anyone know how long will it take to get a z visa from China?

    i signed an offer from school school in China and submitted all needed documents to them.

    It has been 1 month since they applied the z visa for me, but still nothing. Does anyone get z visa recently and can you tell how long did it take?

    1 year agoin Visa & Legalities-All
    Answers(4) Comments(0)
  • Hameed
    2-4 weeks officially
    1 year ago
  • Fernando1984
    I heard it\'s about 2-4 weeks and does anyone know if z visa can bring dependents in?
    1 year ago
  • Ntuli
    it all depends and you shall believe the school
    1 year ago
  • Moeng
    My brother just got the Z visa and the school started visa application in late Jan. so i guess one month is enough
    1 year ago

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