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  • laza

    Shipping Amazon products to China

    For ordering things from Amazon, how to enter the Chinese address for shipping? I need to order from the American site, not the Chinese one. The news says they started shipping to China right?
    9 years agoin Shopping-Harbin
    Answers(5) Comments(0)
  • Brain
    Just put the address in english, it would be ok.
    8 years ago
  • Abbas
    Just put the chinese address in english and Amazon will deal with the rest.
    8 years ago
  • Mawutor
    you should go to taobao, better deal there.
    8 years ago
  • adam

    Some things are such a better deal in the west that it might just be worth it to wait until your next visit home.

    9 years ago
  • jim

    Tell you what I did. I wrote , when placing the order my address in English. After, I contacted the vendor privately (using contact vendor button) and send him the address in Mandarin. Took about 3 weeks for goods to arrive.

    When contacted vendor, I explained the difficulty of using address in English for delivery

    But be aware, not all goods in Amazon are shippable to China

    9 years ago

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