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  • Kostenko

    do employers in China go to ridiculous lengths to avoid telling you did not get

    I did an interview over Skype for a job, was told I was accepted and would start soon. I signed a contract and sent it back. Now after a week the employer won't answer my calls or emails. Why would he not just say things have changed and he won't give me job. Another employer said he would give me interview but he s too busy right now and we ll arrange one later. Then why advertise job? I don't understand Chinese
    9 years agoin Business & Jobs-Shanghai
    Answers(2) Comments(0)
  • maresy
    There's a certain AP organization that runs out of Guangdong that excels at that behavior...great feedback on your application, then resume, then interview then...nothing.
    9 years ago
  • Tanasijevic

    Chinese (not only employers) always go to ridiculous lengths to avoid saying not or to avoid losing face. All the time, everywhere.

    9 years ago

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