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  • baston

    how to use FB in China?

    Good morning guys

    I want to know how to use FB when I am in China. As it seems I can only access FB when I am not in China. Really appreciated. I am trying to find English teachers and it helps if I can get this solved.

    Thanks in advance.

    5 years agoin Web & Technology-All
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Tjalefer

    Before going to China download several different vpn so as when you reach at least one of them will work

    5 years ago
  • Interiore

    You need to install a VPN which will let you access outside websites and apps

    5 years ago
  • Pasinovic

    You can download VPN softwares apks from many sites. Play store won\'t work. Some VPN may work, some won\'t work. Try your self.

    5 years ago

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