My stay in KAMGAI for four years until present has been satisfactory. My presence in this institution has never been regrettable as I have been able to bring students up to the New Pedagogic Approach, which was accepted by the administration. Again, I have been able to draw up my lesson plan and notes, organize students for examination sessions, carryout field trips and even assist in the marking and publishing of results under the supervision of the principal. I feel complete with my students as they speak English language fluently and are able to listen, analyze and interpret English films in my fieldwork.
11March to 12 August 2016: In SWAA-Cameroon (society for Women and Aids in Africa), I carried out a training where I obtained a certificate on peer education and human sexuality in the domain of sexual violence. Adding to this, I have carried out seminars with them.
In 2009, I worked in SOCROPOLE Cameroon as a marketing agent .In this post; I was in charge of recruitment, carrying out interviews in the domain of sales and promotion.
In 2014, I worked as a secretary in Yaounde I University Teaching Center where we carried out activities like typing, printing, scanning, translation from French to English and so on.