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member ID:16536

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  • Name:

  • Nationality:

    South Africa
  • Sex:

  • Age:

  • Degree:

    University Degree
  • Experience:

    7-10 years
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    Available to begin working ASAP.
  • Visa Type:

  • Date of Visa Expiry:

  • Registering time:

    2016-12-28 16:14
  • Last login time:

    2016-12-28 16:14
  • Contact info:

    VIP can see


Oresti Patricios, CEO of Ornico Group, has long been on the cutting edge of the media, advertising and branding industries. From a teenager, pioneering wedding videos in the 1970's to doing his MBA at GIBS with his thesis on Social Media when Twitter was barely a twit, he has always driven his vision of dominating African media and brand intelligence.

Founding OrnicoGroup in 1984, Oresti now heads an establishment of dedicated individuals that services the top 300 local advertisers - either directly or through their agencies - and various other private and government clients. Patricios pioneered a major African expansion plan for Ornico Group to standardize media and brand measurement taxonomies across the continent.

When not preaching his African vision, branding and social media know how, Oresti can be found tweeting at his wife's coffee shop, Odd Cafe, in Greenside.

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